Indigene Community

Summary of organization/program

Indigene Community invites all individuals and organisations to consider
how to function in welcome for all who care to contribute.
Indigene Community’s welcome is to enter into a system of giving and
receiving, contributing, developing experience, being recognized,
stewarding, decision-making in areas of expertise and benefiting accordingly.

Contact information

Douglas Jack, project coordinator
Email: or
Phone: 514-365-9594

9662 Jean-Milot, LaSalle,
H8R 1X9, Quebec, Canada

Geographic region

local, national, international


History/Background Information

Dominant Media Forms



Developing community or mutual-aid in a colonial world has failed from not understanding the roots of our present ‘exogenous’  (Latin = ‘other-generated’) interaction and world-views.  Most don’t realize that our present economy is not supporting itself and requires massive transfers of ecological wealth from every quarter around the world.  We’ve been indoctrinated by home, economic, educational, governmental and institutional influences to be alienated from our indigenous past.  Every place on the earth has a long history of sustainable indigenous living.  The colonial hierarchal (top-down) institutional ways of living violently impose themselves on peoples everywhere but are threatened by divergent indigenous cultural (systematic) ways of interacting differently from the norm as well as the humaine authority.

Statement of Principles

Indigenous ways are based on systematic ‘peace’ cultures stemming from complex checks and balances in economic, ecological and governance systems.  Economically, mutual-aid is the foundation of indigenous societies.  Whole systems include sustainable life-science, urban-planning, plant-based technologies, socio-economic participatory practices, governance, collaborative progressive ownership, communications, economic-democracy and healing perspectives.  Humans as primates have a stewardship role in promoting tree-led food, material and ecological abundance through the mixed, multi-level orchard.


The primary goal of Indigene Community is to inform and welcome to involvement;  individuals, families, businesses, organisations and governments as to our worldwide indigenous heritage and how we can reinstate Mutual-Aid in our personal, organisational and economic lives as a systematic structured sustainable development tool for personal and collective abundance.

Samples of work

Click here to view sample projects.

Funding Sources

The SDC is a Canadian non-profit dedicated to the promotion of Ecological Design, which includes Environmental (with our world), Elemental (integrating 1)Air, 2) Water, 3) Earth states of gaseous, liquid and solid matter, 4) Energy in solar, fire etc and Life both vegetable and animal, Ergonomic design with the human body, ‘Economic’ from the Greek = ‘care and nurture of the home and family’.  Our programs are designed to support each other in livelihood (food, shelter, clothing, warmth and health) during the process of making a living.  Supporting people and processes are key to reaching our goals together.