Carrefour Jeunesse-Emploi Notre-Dame-de-Grace

Summary of organization/program

The Carrefour Jeunesse-Emploi NDG is a non-profit organization whose mission is to promote the socio-professional integration of young adults in Quebec society. 

Contact information


 6370, rue Sherbrooke West, Montreal, Quebec H4B 1M9

 Telephone: (514) 482-6665; Fax: (514) 482-8185

Hans Heisinger, Executive Director
514.482.6665 ext 203



Geographic region

Notre-dame-de-Grâce, Côte St-Luc, Hampstead and Montreal West


Youth aged 16-35 years old living in Notre-dame-de-Grâce, Côte St-Luc, Hampstead and Montreal West areas.

History/Background Information

  • Established: 1999

Dominant Media Forms


  • Improved knowledge in employability.
  • Increase opportunities and employment resources.
  • Information, advice and encouragement from a mentor.
  • Networking with contacts in their field.
  • Adaptation to the reality of Quebec and access to information on the functioning of Quebec society both on a professional and social.
  • Discovery of Quebec values ​​at work and more specifically in your field .

Statement of Principles


It offers a range of free bilingual services, particularly in terms of rehabilitation, job search, back to school and to raise awareness of entrepreneurial reality. A team that is working with community partners to innovative projects allowing him to participate in the success of young job seekers.This planning strategy has brought together the principle players implicated in the socio-professional integration of youth and in order to share expertise, to build bridges between existing services and to identify courses of action for the future.

Samples of work

Funding Sources

Emploi Quebec