CKut Radio (90.3 FM)

Summary of organization/program

CKUT is a non-profit, campus-community radio station based at McGill University. CKUT provides alternative music, news and spoken word programming to the city of Montreal and surrounding areas, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Hear us at 90.3 MHz on the FM dial, 91.7 by cable, or listen on-line.
CKUT is made up of over 200 volunteers working with a staff of coordinators, not just to make creative and insightful radio programming, but also to manage the station. The station operates on a collective management system that includes volunteers in decision-making.

Contact information


 3647, University St., Montréal, Québec, H3A 2B3

 office phone/ no. tél du bureau: 514.448.4041; on-air studio: 514.448.4013; fax/télécopieur: 514.398.8261; listener comment line: 514.448.4041 ext. 2547 

our offices are open from 11-6 pm weekdays 

nos bureaux sont ouverts du
lundi au vendredi 11 – 6 pm

Geographic region



History/Background Information

  • Established: 1966
  • Umbrella Organization: McGill University (Montreal, Quebec)

Dominant Media Forms

music production



  • CKUT broadcasts radio that is by and for the communities of Montreal. One of the station’s goals is to balance out the media landscape through coverage of news, music, and culture that is not adequately covered in the mainstream media.
  • CKUT also avidly supports social equality and a spirit of inclusiveness and cooperation by reaching out and offering a voice to the concerns of marginalized citizens and groups. One of the main functions of the station is to provide access to the skills, techniques, and equipment necessary to radio broadcasting. By offering these skills to the general public for a membership fee of only $10 per year, CKUT ensures a place for democratic participation in the media. By supporting CKUT, you are securing a spot on the fm dial that is truly representative of the wonderfully creative and diverse city of Montreal.
  • CKUT is a place of experimentation. Programmers and contributors create an eclectic and wildly creative mix of programming. Listening to and creating programming on CKUT will take your imagination to new places.

Statement of Principles


OFF THE HOUR is corporate-free news zone that reflects our community because it is made by our community. Airing weekdays from 5p.m. to 6p.m., the show is produced by the station’s Community News Collective of CKUT volunteers and representatives from a number of community groups across Montreal.

What can i do at CKUT?
Volunteers may participate in any of the following areas:

  • Music (programming, interviews, features, sound art, music library, …)
  • Arts & Culture (programming, interviews, features, reviews, radio plays, …)
  • News (community news, international news, debates, features, documentaries, …)
  • Production (on-air,
  • Archiving
  • Special Events & Projects (focus programming, funding drive, benefit concerts, …)
  • Administration

What if I have never made radio before?

Training is available in the following areas:

  • On-air broadcasting (host/producer)
  • Technical production (off-air)
  • Digital sound editing
  • Interview workshops
  • Minidisk recorder training
  • Music library orientation

All training with each volunteer is directed towards producing something for CKUT-use. Everyone who receives training is required to use their skills for station use as well as teach other volunteers. 

  • What does the organization do to achieve their goals/vision 
  • List out types of activities that they organize/pedagogical approaches/ etc…

Samples of work

[youtube width=”600″ height=”365″ video_id=”rRwmgSapUDs”]

Funding Sources

CKUT has three basic sources of income: 1. The annual funding drive 2. A levy from the students of McGill University 3. Advertising Although advertising is a source of revenue for CKUT, it is important to note that we only air a limited number of ads per hour. This is one of the beauties of CKUT, our license only allows us to do up to 4 minutes of advertising an hour; that means fewer annoying commercials and more fantastic and diverse content. We also provide advertising to local artists, promoters, businesses, and events on a sliding scale. We pride ourselves on doing only limited advertising and supporting local causes with low-cost ads. However, because our advertising is so limited, this also means that we have to find other sources of funding to keep the station running. This is where the annual funding drive becomes such an important event for us. It is a time for listeners and programmers alike to show their support and appreciation for CKUT’s commitment to creating diverse, multicultural, grassroots, and accessible media which is especially important in the current landscape of mainstream media where the majority of media outlets are controlled by a small number of corporations. Independent media outlets such as CKUT ensure a diversity of information and voices which is essential to a truly democractic society. A pledge to CKUT is a small price to pay for the benefits it offers to our city and our society.